Monday, October 4, 2010

it's been too long

Have I really not updated since APRIL!?
That is SO pathetic... I mean I'm busy but duuuude that is crazy! I can't even begin to tell you everything that has happened over the past 5ish months... So basically I am giving you like the REALLY REALLY short version.

Worked all summer at the Child's Sleep Health and Development Center at Auburn... went to Kansas to visit Seth's family and go to David and Kim's wedding in may... My mom got a new house :) I am taking 14 hours this semester.. still working.. training for a half marathon.. enjoying my last football season as a student.. War Eagle.. Making new friends and I am in a new bible study with women from all walks of life. It is seriously wonderful, these girls are so smart and I love digging into Hosea with them every week.

enough with the general overview: This week is so hectic. I should be sleeping right now, but I made a green tea latte earlier while studying annnnnd now I am WIRED. I have three tests in the next two days. So I am kinda freakin' out... I can't wait til wednesday night! Sometimes I forget how stressed out I get about school, I wish I was one of those mellow people that study everyday so that when the tests roll around I wouldn't be so crazy overwhelmed... Time management... I need lessons.

Ah. Well school is taking over my life and it's kinda taking over my blog right now... So on to happier things: Seth. I love him. Every day he is just so wonderful and my breath gets taken away by how much he is willing to serve those around him and be an example of Christ's love. Seriously though, today he was going to the store and I needed to go to because I think all I had in my pantry was honey and tomato soup.. but of course I am oober busy studying for these tests soo what does he do... he tells me to write a list and he goes and gets groceries for me!! I mean come on, It was just what I needed, because I needed food and I hate eating out on campus because its like 12 dollars for a darn sandwich... I was so happy. He is so incredible and I wish I was more like him... I wish I could put my own selfish agenda aside and serve someone else. He is a great man. And I love him. And he loves me :) yay.

So I know that this was a short catch up... but Wednesday when I have my life back I'll fill yall in a bit more... but for now here are some pictures and I am going to try and go to sleep..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


ughh two finals tomorrow.
need to study.
realized my blog is sooo sad..
also, pray for A's!!!
I have all A's at this point... and I want to keep them!!!!!
work is work, but good work.
seth is wonderful as always.
life is hard... as always :)
sorry for the lame post.

Back to studying :)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

updates updates.

Hey y'all!
Yeah this blogging stuff is taking the backseat to real life right now. I am trying to figure out what God has in store for me. I am completely clueless. It's kinda scary, but I seriously have no idea where I will be in 2 years. Seth is also trying to find his niche and it is a tough thing for us to do as young adults. I don't feel like I am equipped enough to be able to decide what I want to do with my education and my future career. I am not ready to fully grow up yet!!

In other news, I found out that I will have the opportunity to work throughout the summer, which is a HUUUUGE answer to prayers. Also, Seth and I are trying to plan a trip to Kansas to spend time with his family and go to our friends David and Kim's wedding! I am sooo excited for this trip! I seriously LOVE Seth's family and his friends there. It will be so great to reunite and spend my first week of summer with people that I love. We just have to figure out how we are going to do this. Thoughtful planning and cost analysis will take place this week.

School is about to get INSANELY BUSY!! The only thing that separates me from summer will be.... 3 presentations, 3 papers, and 5 tests. That is an incredible amount of things to try to fit into my schedule in the next 3 weeks!! I am going to start stressing and freaking out soon! I am trying to exercise more too, I really despise running, but I AM going to LEARN to love it :) I want to feel healthy and like myself again! With this incredible weather and bathing suit season arriving, I am determined!!!

I guess that is it for now. I'm eagerly awaiting summer. I will try to post again soon.

Listening to: Passion Pit
Feeling: Hopeful and Faithful
Watching: Revolution 2010


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring break... I miss you

Where I spent the last week...

I am sitting in class right now, and thinking about how last week at this time I was sitting out on the dock, going out on the lake, tanning, relaxing in the hot tub, and eating really good food. And right now I am sitting in class listening to my teacher ramble on about child abuse.. It's sad that I am bored during this lecture.. but really who can sit in an uncomfortable desk and listen to the same person ramble for an hour and fifteen minutes. After spring break is always a hard time for me. It is such a tease!! I mean summer is less than 6 weeks away and I am already getting antsy.

I had a blast last week with my friends Lindsay and Katie. We did absolutely nothing and it was the perfect break. We were all so stressed out with school and we needed a whole week of relaxation. We had a lot of fun, good food, and powerful conversations. I love these two girls so much, I am blessed to have such good friends in my life. WE HAD A FANTASTIC TIME.

I got back from the lake and I was so excited to see Seth! I was only gone for a week but we missed each other so much. It brought us back to the old days of long distance and talking on the phone. I am so happy he is here and that I get to see him all the time. He is perfect, and so supportive. It was great to be with him again. He is incredible and I love him!!! I am glad that I got a whole week with the girls and he had a fun, sports-filled week with the guys. But OH man, things are better when we are together.

In other news, my older brother Merrick left for South Korea on Wednesday. He will be gone for a whole year. I am definitely going to miss him... He has a blog too... He is teaching English to a bunch of kids in a private school. I am happy for him and nervous and I am also sad he is gone.

Also, my job is going well. I file papers and do grunt work, but hey I am getting paid and getting to know some cool people. I need to start looking for a job for the summer though. God will provide.

Things I am doing.
Reading: Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning
Listening to: The Weepies (always a favorite)
Schedule: filled to the brim EVERY DAY!!

Have a blessed day, Trust in him, and be joyful!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Sorry It has been so long since I posted last.. been a little MIA this past week

I started my new job, its a lot of work. But it's pretty good overall.

When I get home, I either study or just CRASHHHH!

let me fill you in: Last weekend I went to New Orleans for my cousin's wedding. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! NO JOKE! It was one of those weddings that totally just fits the people who are getting married. It was fun, and outside and very wonderful to be with the family. Robin was such a beautiful bride and Kyle was smitten.

ANYWAYSS. I had midterms last week and I ACED ALL THREE!!!! YESS! I was sooo excited. So as of now I have 4 A's... and one non-A haha! I am kicking butt! I am so pumped for spring break. It's going to be a great relaxation week. I cannot wait to escape. Ok, I honestly don't know what else to say. Life has been pretty blahh as of late.

Rain sucks, spring is just around the corner thank goodness. I can't wait. Hopefully I will remember to update this week while I am at the lake.


Thursday, March 4, 2010


oHHH Tuesday..

okay wow, let me just say God is good. Tuesday was a blessed day. First off I got a FREAKING 100 on my Advanced Seminar test. And then I got a JOB!!! AHHHH! So this is what I will be doing... I will be working in a lab with some of my professors. We will be researching how family and parental conflict effects the way a child sleeps. Ok I won't necessarily be doing the research, but I will be helping. And I will be getting 9 dollars an hour! PRAISE THE LORD!! I am beyond excited about this. It will look great on my resume, it will teach me to actually use my major in the real world, and its going to be different and exciting. It's on campus which is great for me too. I will be working 15 hours a week. Do you know how much WEIGHT this takes off of my shoulders? Thanks for the prayers and I can't even describe how thankful I am for this job. :)

In other news, been thinking its time for me to get back in shape. I am sick of feeling like a slug. SOOO I am going to start working out more and eating healthier. My mom and I are going to have a contest to see who can lose the most weight. Haha, may sound silly, but she is GOING DOOOOOOOWN. muahaha.

Also, I am leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to go New Orleans. YAYY! Seth gets to meet the family. That is going to be exciting! I am ready to dance and I am excited my midterms are DONE!!!

Ok, I gotta go to class.
Be blessed.
Trust Him.
Love one another.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

fave pics

just a few pics from the summer on that I LOOOOVE :)

yay. my people are pretty :)

Monday, March 1, 2010


still studying...

two tests and a paper down. ONE more to go. blah. I am glad it is not until Thursday! Seth and I (and a lot of other people) went to a local family's house for dinner and dessert.. YUMMY!!! home made and boooyyy was it good! It was just what I needed with my busy week.. A BREAK.. and time to fellowship. I did miss out on bible study (but they were just watching the bachelor, so I am pretty sure I didn't miss out on anything spiritual) baha!

Ready for this week to be over. Ready to see my family. Ready to find more answers in the Lord. Ready to see where He takes me. Ready to know what is in store for me. Ready to understand his timing and plans. Who knows when all that will take place, but I'm hopeful there is a plan for my life. I am hopeful that He knows what is best for me. I am hopeful that my faith will endure, and my God will comfort me in times of trouble.

I haven't really been looking for a job... been so busy... I think next week is the week! Please be praying for that.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

steady studying


That is ALL my brain will be focused on for the next week. I just got finished with a test for my Advanced Seminar class. I studied my butt off and it paid off. I think I totally ACED it!!! I'm sitting in Starbucks on campus right now, doing a mixture of people watching and studying for next week. I have THREE tests and a paper due next week. UGHHH MIDTERMSSS!!!

I have a Counseling and Human Services exam, A World Literature exam, A Social Work exam, and a paper in my Advanced Seminar class. To say the least... my brain will need a serious break after that week. And that will definitely happen. A big thanks to my cousin Kyle and his soon to be wife, Robin for having their wedding next weekend in NEW ORLEANS! It will be the perfect way to unwind and give my brain a rest. I love my family on my mom's side. They are seriously incredible. They are all so interesting and have amazing stories. I am glad that we get to celebrate with each other. I will definitely be posting about their wedding! It's going to be a blast. They are having CRAWFiSH (my fave) and beignets (idk if that's how you spell it). Typical New Orleans food. and YUMMY! No doubt about it I will be stuffing my face. haha!

Also, Seth gets to meet the whole family :) YIKKKKES! I have been preparing him slowly for my family. I think he is fully prepared by now. He knows that they are crazy and they are some of my most favorite people in the world. Seth takes the GRE next monday!! ohh I have been in constant prayer about it. I know he will do well, he is nervous though.

SOOO basically. I may not have a lot of time to post next week... (but honestly I don't know if you all want another post about me living in the library)! I have another class in a little bit soo have a great THURSDAY!


Monday, February 22, 2010

free time


I am supposed to be using this free time that the Lord has given me (after losing my job and leaving my sorority) to SHARE HIS LOVE WITH OTHERS! To build relationships with people and show them MY heavenly Father, MY wonderful Savior. I've been so busy these last couple of months with non-stop work and school that I have done a LOUSY job advancing the kingdom. I told myself I was going to be intentional with my friendships and live life well. I now have been given the chance to do that without the hindrance of lack of time.

Obviously, I know the Lord wants me to know that I need to make relationships and WITNESS to my friends. I also know that He will PROVIDE for my financial needs. I do need money and I know the next job I have I will put His kingdom first. I will love those around me and show them the grace of God. He is my priority and I will strive to do everything in His name. I will work, study, laugh and build relationships in the name of Jesus.

Also, today I had bible study and I just love those girls! and cannot wait to get to know them more and see how The Lord will use us as a group.

be blessed

Sunday, February 21, 2010

just another day at the park..

What a beautiful day!! It was a wonderful day to just be OUTSIDE! SOOO I went to church this morning and was itching to get outside and PLAY! Seth and I had lunch...then gathered our blankets and relative "studying material" I had homework and Seth is studying for the GRE. We went and got some great BOILED PEANUTS (I love them)!

We made our way to the park and found the perfect spot to lay down our blanket. Obviously I got bored studying so I took a wonderful nap in the sun while Seth remained studious! We always have such a great time together. He is the best. We soaked up all the sun we could get until it started to get a little chilly. We came back to my apartment and made dinner. I tried something different to get us out of our pasta and more pasta mode (but I DO LOVE PASTA).. So I made couscous with zuchinni and tomatoes.. and a greek salad. YUMMY! I loved it, I don't know how Seth felt about it though. That boy could eat anything though..

Still job hunting.
School is going to kick my butt the next few weeks.
I cannot wait for my cousin's wedding in NOLA to unwind and catch up with family.
This was such a great day.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Soo not cool.

I lost my job yesterday.
Still pissed.
Dumb economy.
Looking for reasons to be thankful.
I really hope God has an incredible trick up his sleeve.

Enough about that. I am however looking forward to my free time. But I do hope that won't last long considering I HAVE to find a new job soon. Be praying for that to open up nicely for me.

But today is Friday, and I just can't cloud my weekend because of a terrible Thursday. So time to buckle up and enjoy life's roller coaster. Hopefully a nice, fun-filled weekend will do the trick to cheer me right up. The weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend. In the 60's yay! So I am planning on being outside the rest of the weekend. Feel free to let me know of any jobs you can think of!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I have a bible study on Monday nights with about 10 great college girls! It is pretty great. We are going through the book of Daniel right now, and I am loving it. We just go through and highlight what we found interesting and let the holy spirit guide what we talk about. This past Monday we talked about urgency to share our faith with the lost. We always say, oh maybe tomorrow. or maybe the next day. BUUT why wait? WE DON'T have all the time in the world! Our lives are only a blurp on the overall time line of humanity. I want to start using my time wisely and sharing this love with those around me. I want the Lord to use me in miraculous ways to impact my friends, family and even strangers.


I had a pretty great day today! Obviously I had class... I do LOVE my counseling class though! We learned a bit about abnormal psychology today and I have to say that is was really interesting! I love when I get excited about school! Call me a nerd, but I just want to enjoy what I spend a ton of my time doing! After class, I finished my paper, came home ate HUMMUS and watched a bit of TV. I then took my FIRST NAP OF THE SEMESTER! it was great :) Then Lindsay (my roommate) and I did YOGA! it was fun!!

I have volunteer hours at a local nursing home on Wednesdays.. it was fun today! they were making me laugh! I can't wait to learn more about them, they have great stories! then I went home and I cleaned THE WHOLE APARTMENT! Then went to eat mexican and fro yo with Lindsay and my friend Katie! We had a great time. I laugh so hard with them!

So basically I had the most productive day ever. I was free to do what I wanted (bc I didn't work) and it was soo good! I needed a day like this! I don't know if everyone wanted to know every little detail of my day... BUUT now you do :) Til next time.


Monday, February 15, 2010


Do you ever feel like your whole week is planned to the second? I WANT TIME TO PLAY! I am at work right now. BORED. As usual. Even though it is really cold outside today, I want to just be outside. On a blanket, in a park, reading and hanging out with Seth. That would be glorious!

BUUT instead. I have to work, volunteer, write papers, read research articles, and pretend that I enjoy it :) haha! BOOOORING!!! I want an ADVENTURE!! I want to travel the world and pretend that I am the hippest person in the world! Maybe Seth and I will travel sometime. That would be awesome! I am going to New Orleans in a couple of weeks (hardly world travel, but still fun)! YAY :)

ohh also, valentine's day was yesterday (DUH)! EEK we had so much fun! Seth and I went to the Georgia Aquarium (biggest aquarium in the world I might add). Seth had SO much fun! He is cute when he gets excited :) we had a ton of fun! Seth also met my grandma (deedee) and my two aunts! meeting the family! yay!

Okay, I have to go back to my schedules and my lists. The adventure is in my heart for now! but I am going to bust it out someday!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

...And That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

SOOO ever since Seth MOOOOVED to my sweet little college town, things have been so much easier. It is incredible how big of a difference one person can make in someone's life. I am not saying it's been smooth sailing... BUT he is the best, and I love him. He is an incredible encourager and I am so excited to see where this relationship goes. Long distance to practically my next door neighbor (I LOVE IT)!!!

But moving on, life has been throwing some punches my way as of late. Nothing I can't handle without the help of the Lord though. That is something I have been learning a lot about lately. How many times do we think we don't need His help? Why are we so arrogant? I mean we know we are going to fail time and time again... so why do we insist on pretending we have it all figured out?

I am turning a new corner in my college career. I am now a junior and its getting HARD! like FO REAL! And, I am now in this INCREDIBLE bible study, full of some amazing girls who have wonderful hearts! We are studying Daniel right now! I just know it is going to be so great! The Lord has definitely blessed me this semester along with these hardships. I am so grateful! He is mighty, and powerful.

A side note: I am feeling very sick right now... my throat is sore and if I get strep one more time... UGHH! What is it about February that gets me so antsy? I think I am officially ready for SPRING! I need to hear those birds chirp, and I need to feel that warmth on my skin again! Can I get an AMEN? ha!

Thanks for letting me ramble.