Monday, February 15, 2010


Do you ever feel like your whole week is planned to the second? I WANT TIME TO PLAY! I am at work right now. BORED. As usual. Even though it is really cold outside today, I want to just be outside. On a blanket, in a park, reading and hanging out with Seth. That would be glorious!

BUUT instead. I have to work, volunteer, write papers, read research articles, and pretend that I enjoy it :) haha! BOOOORING!!! I want an ADVENTURE!! I want to travel the world and pretend that I am the hippest person in the world! Maybe Seth and I will travel sometime. That would be awesome! I am going to New Orleans in a couple of weeks (hardly world travel, but still fun)! YAY :)

ohh also, valentine's day was yesterday (DUH)! EEK we had so much fun! Seth and I went to the Georgia Aquarium (biggest aquarium in the world I might add). Seth had SO much fun! He is cute when he gets excited :) we had a ton of fun! Seth also met my grandma (deedee) and my two aunts! meeting the family! yay!

Okay, I have to go back to my schedules and my lists. The adventure is in my heart for now! but I am going to bust it out someday!


1 comment:

  1. that's right. you WILL bust out that adventure one day. and it will be the time of you life. but don't downplay your life now...make it a local adventure until the world is yours (:
