Sunday, February 7, 2010

...And That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

SOOO ever since Seth MOOOOVED to my sweet little college town, things have been so much easier. It is incredible how big of a difference one person can make in someone's life. I am not saying it's been smooth sailing... BUT he is the best, and I love him. He is an incredible encourager and I am so excited to see where this relationship goes. Long distance to practically my next door neighbor (I LOVE IT)!!!

But moving on, life has been throwing some punches my way as of late. Nothing I can't handle without the help of the Lord though. That is something I have been learning a lot about lately. How many times do we think we don't need His help? Why are we so arrogant? I mean we know we are going to fail time and time again... so why do we insist on pretending we have it all figured out?

I am turning a new corner in my college career. I am now a junior and its getting HARD! like FO REAL! And, I am now in this INCREDIBLE bible study, full of some amazing girls who have wonderful hearts! We are studying Daniel right now! I just know it is going to be so great! The Lord has definitely blessed me this semester along with these hardships. I am so grateful! He is mighty, and powerful.

A side note: I am feeling very sick right now... my throat is sore and if I get strep one more time... UGHH! What is it about February that gets me so antsy? I think I am officially ready for SPRING! I need to hear those birds chirp, and I need to feel that warmth on my skin again! Can I get an AMEN? ha!

Thanks for letting me ramble.

1 comment:

  1. i am loving that you have a blog! lately i've been horrible at updating mine but i have good intentions so hopefully one day they'll come more frequently!

    glad to hear that things are well. and i'm so HAPPY for you that seth is near. i know LD relationships aren't always the best. you learn things and are stretched but come on. it's always better to have them close (:

    love you sister!
