Thursday, April 2, 2009


Ok, so be patient... never have I ever blogged in my life.

So tonight I went to this college ministry in Auburn, Alabama called ONE. It was very inspiring. We talked about relationships... No no, not just dating or marriage relationships; but about friendships as well. And lately I've been thinking about fellowship a lot. It is such an important part of being a Christian, and I personally have grown so much closer to Christ when there was someone by my side encouraging me to give my whole heart to Him. God created us to crave relationships, he calls us to work together and use each other as life lines in times of trouble.

I know that relationships are usually never easy. They are hard work, and sometimes you may be left out in the cold... Friends and family may abandon you and it might be hard to trust again. BUT let me stress one thing... you have to try again. You do not want to isolate yourself from the people around you. One of the most comforting things when you are down is a hug from a dear friend. So surround yourself with those who are going to give 100% to your friendship and to God.

One last thing before I go, I am definitely NOT saying don't be friends with those who are not Christians. One of my greatest delights is investing in those people around me who I want to show the love of Christ.. through actions and words. You never know, they may realize there is something shining in your life. They may want what you have and surrender their lives to God.

Love and Peace,